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The Record Brown Trout

The record brown trout was caught on the Rio Chama below El Vado Dam by G. T. Colgrove of Decatur, Texas, on July 8, 1946. It is the largest River Run Brown Trout ever caught in New Mexico. It weighed 20.5 pounds, was 35.5 inches long, and had a 21 inch girth. It is now displayed in our store.
Carl Trubee of Roswell caught another big one in October, 1964. It weighed 18 pounds and measured 34 5/8 inches long with a 20 inch girth. It still holds the record as the second largest brown ever caught in New Mexico.
The third largest honor goes to local resident Carl Cooper. In 1966, he landed a 14 pounder that was 32.5 inches long.
Lucky anglers still snag big ones in these parts. Check out our brag board page for some recent fish stories.
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